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Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Cara Mudah Hitung Hari dengan Calculator Windows7

Pernah memikirkan berapa hari kita telah hidup? Bisakah kita tahu hari apa setelah 50 hari dari sekarang? Kita ingin tahu kurang berapa hari lagi kita menikah, lulus kuliah atau ulang tahun pacar? Jika kita menghitungnya secara manual pasti akan sangat merepotkan, sekarang kan sudah modern pasti ada cara singkat dan cepat.
Adalah tips unik menghitung tanggal menggunakan kalkulator Windows. Mungkin ini jarang di ketahui oleh orang-orang.
Ikuti langkah di bawah ini:
Catatan : Fungsi ini mungkin hanya ada di Windows 7 dan 8.
Jika kamu menggunakan Windows 7, buka Start Menu kemudian ketikkan Calculator. Kalau kamu menggunakan Windows 8, kamu cukup ke Start Menu dan ketikkan Calculator dan klik Apps.

Setelah kalkulator terbuka, kamu klik View dan Date Calculation.

Ada dua macam perhitungan yang dapat kamu coba disini, yaitu:
  • Calculate the difference between two dates – ini berfungsi untuk menghitung hari berdasarkan dua tanggal.
  • Add or subtract days to a specified date – ini berfungsi untuk menambah atau mengurangi tanggal berdasarkan hari, bulan atau tahun.

  • Sebagai contoh disini, saya akan menghitung berapa harikah dari tanggal 26 November 2012 ke 30 Mei 2012. Maka kita gunakan perhitungan macam yang pertama.

    Contoh lain, saya akan menghitung 50 hari kedepan dari sekarang adalah hari dan bulan apa. Maka kita gunakan cara yang kedua dengan Add.

    Kalau kamu ingin tahu 50 hari sebelumnya, maka kamu bisa memilih Subtract.

    Nah itulah tips yang unik dengan menggunakan kalkulator Windows 7 atau 8.

    Sumber : pusatgratis

    Saturday, 2 November 2013

    Bali's Shopping Traditionals

    If you are in Bali, love shopping, like to indulge in bargain shopping and wish to see some of Bali’s best goods under one roof, you have to visit the Sukowati market, about 10 kms outside of Ubud in Central Bali. The proposition gets even more interesting if you are female as most of the stores stock goods that aim to woo female travelers across the world. This is the place where you can get authentic Balinese goods at local prices and I promise based on my personal experience that these prices would make your mouth open wide in wonder and make you catch the first flight to Bali just to shop here.

    To start with, the Sukowati market is not your fancy shopping mall, but an association to promote the goods manufactured and hand-crafted by the people living in Bali. It is due to this very vision that the prices here are the cheapest in Bali. In fact, most of the shop owners in the tourist areas of Bali buy/procure their goods from here.

    The market is open from 7 AM through 4 PM all days of the week. There are small stalls around the market to take care of the hungry and thirsty shopper. These establishments dish out some of Bali and Indonesia’s best drinks and dishes making it a street culinary cum shopping experience. If you get lucky, you might see a temple procession go by, like how I saw on one of the days I was shopping at Sukowati.

    The people running these shops are poor and hence look to start their opening prices very high, just to land a significant profit somehow. But, they do not like to lose a prospective customer and hence are always open to bargaining. In fact, bargaining is welcomed with a warm smile here. Depending on the goods you purchase and its volume, the final price can be as much as 20% to 30% of the opening price. Sometimes, even 10%.

    Like I said earlier, this place is primarily for the female traveler with beadwork, necklaces, lots of clothes that include alibaba pants, dresses, tops, t-shirts, sarongs, beachwear and more, and Bali Batik handbags. The motifs are vibrant and colorful in a way like the Balinese culture, which is very warm and graceful. If you have good bargaining skills, you should be able to land a dress for $1 to $2 per piece. And a Bali Batik handbag for $1. That is how cheap this place is and the quality is the same as you would see in a shop in Kuta or Ubud. The cost is just 5 to 10 times lesser.

    For the men, there are the usual clothing items like T Shirts and shorts. But, the more interesting ones are the Balinese paintings, Bali masks, Barong motif designs, a variety of statues, wooden carvings and intricate work, the garuda works and stunning metal work. In addition, one can find the usual souvenirs like Barong T Shirts, Fridge magnets, Bali batik work, wooden crafts and more.

    For me, it was the Balinese paintings that piqued my attention. These very beautiful and creative paintings would be designed by local artisans and kept at parking lots on under the shaded roof of another shop for lack of money to rent out shop space. These paintings depict everything from Balinese culture, the countryside living, Balinese temples and homes, paddy fields, underwater life and generic stuff like flowers, waterfalls, gods and more.

    Even though these Balinese paintings are set by the roadside and in sidewalks, they have to be the hottest selling item in the entire Sukowati market. The price for this quality of painting (A2 size) can be as low as $2 or $3. Personally, I was very tempted to pick at least 4 of these paintings, but due to the fact that I was going to travel for many more months, I gave up the thought. But, on my next Bali trip, I know the first thing that I want to buy.

    Like the batiks are Indonesia’s culture symbol, I think the masks of Indonesia are also one of their main culture icons. Each island of Indonesia and to be more specific, each region of each island has their own style. Bali has its own style too and it resembles the Bali Barongs and in fact, it similar to the ‘asuras’ of India with more vibrant colors and vivid definitions.

    Whatever your taste may be and whether you like bargain shopping or not, you should visit Sukowati market just to see all of Bali’s work in one place. It gets even better when you can carry it back home for an affordable price. The Bali’s umbrella shaped temples draw a lot of attention. Bali’s surfing waves and pristine beaches are world famous. I think the Sukowati market falls in the same category. The main positive outcome will be the money spent by us will go right to the roots, to the actual people creating and producing these goods. Do not forget Sukowati market, Bali’s true shopping paradise.

    Note: Sukowati market does not have bus service from Denpasar, Kuta or Ubud. The best way to get here is a rented motorcycle or a taxi.


    Cara Mengatasi Gagal Instal Microsoft Office 2007

    Bagaimana Cara menghadapi masalah tidak dapat install office 2010 meskipun trik telah di terapkan. Pada beberapa Window XP mengalami masalah tidak dapat instal MS Office 2010 bahkan 2007, dengan gejala seperti di bawah:

    Error 1933 – Windows File Protection
    Windows files must be installed for your installation to proceed.

    Terjadi Permasalahan " Error 1933. The Windows Installer service cannot update one or more protected windows files. "

    atau terjadi permaslahan  " You may then be instructed to insert the Windows XP Professional CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive. You may be instructed to do this even if your computer’s operating system is Windows XP Home Edition. "

    permasalahan permasalahn di atas itu adalah ciri - ciri dari Microsoft office 2007 atau 2010 yang  tidak bisa di instal . Permasalahan - permasalahan seperti itu sering kali terjadi saat menginstal Microsoft office 2007/2010 pada kotak ke 5/6 saat menginstal , dan ini menyebabkan Microsoft office berhenti menginstal dan rollback secara paksa --" # menyebalkan -.

    Nah Biasanya hal itu terjadi kemungkinan besar di sebabkan karena file Fp4autl.dll dan FP4AWEC.DLL  missing atau hilang, coba kalian periksa di windows system kalian buka di [ C:\ Program Files\ Common Files \ Microsoft Shared\ web server extensions\ 40\ bin ) untuk memastikan ada/hilang/belum terinstal 2 file tersebut . Jika setelah kalian cek ternyata tidak ada , dapat kita buat persepsi sementara bahwa gagal instal MS Office 2010 atau 2007 disebabkan karena hilangnya 2 file tersebut . Untuk mengatasi ini pihak microsoft telah menyiapkan update
    an untuk mempersiapkan itu , untuk memperbaiki Permasalahan tersebut.

    Cara - cara  memperbaiki Microsoft office 2007/2010 , ikuti langkah - langkah ini :

    NOTE : Kalian harus mempersiapkan kaset windows XP/7 yang kalian gunakan..

    1. Download update Webfldrs KB907306 [ Official Microsoft ]
    2. Saat update di atas dijalankan, maka komputer akan meminta CD Windows, masukan Kaset Windows yang kalian punya , Cek Kembali ketempat tadi . Setelah selesai restart komputer.

    3. Dan  Lakukan instalasi MS Office 2007 atau 2010 . ( Semoga udah bisa )

    kalau masih tetap tidak bisa , Coba dengan Cara yang kedua ini cara Copy Paste

    Catatan : Syaratnya Siapkan dulu laptop atau komputer yang telah terinstal 2007
    Cara ini kita akan mengCopy file yang telah ada di laptop atau komputer yg sudah ada officenya lalu :

    1. Masuklah ke directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions
    2. Copy folder 12 dan 40 ke dalam flashdisk cabut flasdisk
    3. Selanjutnya Copy file tersebut ke laptop / komputer yg gagal install office tadi. caranya sama
        Masuklah ke directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions
        Pastekan folder 12 dan 40 ke dalam folder web server extensions

    4. Lakukan lagi instal MS Office 2010 atau 2007

    semoga berhasil